Identity Service Providers and Native languages
Identity Provider Integration
Next Level3 Supports integrations to a variety of best in class identity providers as well as native support from most development languages. The following section outlines the steps required to setup and configure the integration for each of these providers.
For a better idea of how identity provider integrations are implemented and assistance with setting up AWS Cognito, watch the video below:
To get started first choose the identity provider your application uses and then follow the instructions to enable Next Level3 Cloud Identity JIT Access for that provider.
Identity Provider Integration Instrcutions
Native Language Support
For more information about integrations and examples of implementing them please view the Native Language Support page:
Step 4. Managing Access for your Company Portal Applications
Next, you will need to set up Next Level Cloud Identity JIT Access for the endpoints, users, and groups that are associated with your application(s).
Users, Groups, and Enpoints
Endpoint, User, and Group Management